Thursday, April 16, 2009

Between Bangkok and Pattani

At last, the anti-government protesters in Thailand have ended their violent demonstration in Bangkok. The violent clashes ended with only two people dead and almost one hundred injured. The military was reported to have shown extreme restraint in handling the violent protest, resulting in minimum casualties.

It was reported that the protesters even resorted to damage government buildings and burn cars and buses, with some of them armed with sticks, stones and slingshots to battle with Thai authority.

Thai military should be commended for handling the protesters in a very professional manner.

How I wish that the military had shown similar restraint in handling Takbai protesters in October 25, 2004, who were mostly villagers and at most, only noisy protesters.

How I wish that the Tak Bai protesters had been allowed to disperse peacefully, just like the Red Shirt protesters in Bangkok last few days, and not to be beaten and rounded up and their bodies were stacked into trucks, resulting in many of them suffocated and died.

How I wish that those in the red brick Krue Se mosque in April 28, 2004 had been only surrounded for few days just like the 2,000 Red Shirt protesters who occupied government buildings from March 26. How I wish that those in Krue Se mosque not to be shot by heavily-armed security forces, with most of them were shot in the head, and there were signs that rope had been tied around their wrists.

Oh, my wishful thinking.

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