Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Black President in the White House

Again, Barack Hussein Obama sets another record in his many firsts, the latest by becoming the first black president of the United States. He was also the first presidential candidate who was born in Hawaii, and also the first African American to serve as president of Harvard Law Review. We can add more on other firsts - the first president with an extended families in two continents, Africa (Kenya) and Asia (Indonesia), the first First Family to be multiracial etc.

With such a colourful background, naturally he was favoured by the rest of the world for the presidency. It was said that if the world other than Americans could vote for the US president, he can get more than 90% of the vote. More so when the world has suffered so much under the current president, a Texan cowboy who has been described by Chris Patten as 'deeply uncurious intellectually'. What could we expect from a former member of Yale University's secret society, Skull and Bones to do? I still remember during his attempt for his first term of presidency many years back, he was asked the names of Taiwan's president and India's PM. He failed to answer any of them, but he has the gut to shoot back at the interviewer by saying 'do you know their names?'. The interviewer replied 'I am not quite sure either, but I am not running for presidency, Mr Bush'. I am still baffled why the Americans voted him for his second term.

As for Muslims, we hope that this world could become a better place and all the injustices to our brothers in all occupied lands will eventually stop, and all our brothers who are being caged in Guantanamo Bay will be released or tried according to the law. I do really pray for that. But at the same time I too remain skeptical of his capability to change the status quo. Can we expect anything from a person who has performed his prayers at the Wailing Wall and put his tzetzels at its crevices. I have nothing against what he wrote in the note, but I think the Jewish lobby must be very pleased with that. To me, a US president is only an instrument to achieve and maintain whatever objectives/goals 'The Elders' have set before.

I attach below my poem on this. I think the message is clear.

I hope I am wrong. I really hope so.

Sang Kaisar Romawi

Di balik sebuah istana putih
Seorang Kaisar itu
Begitu rakus mengatur bidak-bidaknya
Dengan bantuan uskup-uskupnya
Di balik dana dolar bermilyar
Menyusun makarnya di segenap benua

Sang Kaisar Romawi itu
Masih tega melimpahkan darah
Di balik sungai Furat dan Dajlah
Juga di celah gunung ganang Asia Tengah
Telah melihat kaisar-kaisar sebelumnya
Menyembelih kelumpuk pribumi di Wounded Knee
Membunuh secara massa di My Lai
Menumpahkan darah manusia di Sungai Mekong
Menyuramkan sinar suria di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki
Membuat makar hina serata benua

Sang Kaisar Romawi itu
Punya seorang Uskup Besar
Yang berkata 'ugama itu memang ugama teror'
Katanya ada satu bajingan membuat onar di setiap ceruk
Yang telah meruntuhkan menara gah di buminya
Dan ingin menghapuskan tamadun hedonisnya
Dan yang perlu mereka perangi bersama

Sang Kaisar Romawi itu
Sebagaimana kaisar-kaisar sebelumnya
Rupanya adalah juga satu bidak
Yang begitu akur dengar segala perintah
Yang datang dari seorang Uskup Agung
Yang sedang bersila angkuh
Di Tel Aviv

shah alam
06 Oktober



Anonymous said...

Semoga ada sesuatu yg baik dgn peralihan kuasa di AS nanti. Setengah org kata 'Barack' itu dari kata arab 'baraka'. Semoga dia bukan bidak yg zalim @ sang kaisar romawi @ Uncle Sam/Bushes itu.
Namun ALAM ini milik-Nya.
BUMI ini diamanahkan buat insan... tapi insan ini zalim (buat xbetul) & jahil (banyak xtahu)maka kita punya ikhtiar untuk pembaikan dan menuntut ilmu!
DUNIA pula penuh tipudaya dan main-main.
Kita kena beriman,waras dan bertaqwa sokmo.
Ya Allah lindungilah kami.

Anonymous said...

setiap yg akan menjadi presiden US msti didalangi oleh yahudi..adakah statement ini betul?
yahudi atau zionis lebih banyak menguasai kedudukan tertinggi di US.

Anak Timur Laut said...

Hopefully Obama can do something beneficial utk dunia. Tapi so far biasanya US presidents terlalu toothless in dealing with US issue. Hanya selepas turun 'takhta' baru nampak lain sikit, seperti Jimmy Carter yg skrg dianggap anti-Israel by Israeli Govt. Sampai visit ke Israel pun tak diberikan official govt protection.

Tapi 'Hati-hati manusia adalah di bawah jari-jari arRahman, Dia membolak-balikkannya sebagaimana Dia mahu'.



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