Saturday, August 15, 2009

Malaysia In the Top 10

As of yesterday, deaths in our country due to H1N1 is 56, an alarming number considering our small population and cases reported. At the rate we are going, it would be very likely that we are going to surpass Thailand very soon.

What went wrong? The virus shows our vulnerability as human beings to such a small creature. As Muslims, other than taking the necessary precautionary measures, what we could do is to always 'doa' that we would be safe from this 'bala'. The pandemic is becoming more rampant, and I think during the early stage, our government was like 'fiddling while Rome burns' by not making a really effective efforts in controlling it.

And we still see the Ministry of Health's advertisement saying that 'jika anda merancang ke negara-negara yang ditimpa wabak Influenza A', sila tangguhkan perjalanan anda.....'. These words are no more relevant, WE are one of the top countries.


Unknown said...

..salam, anak timur laut...

..we would not have reached this mess if everyone spent less time politicking and more time on bringing out strategies to curb and prevent the swine flu from getting a foothold..but, oh well..

Anak Timur Laut said...

our ways of handling this issue leaves much to be desired. compare this with Singapore's steps in controlling the pandemic, like this guidelines from Singapore MOH:

'The following should be cleaned regularly with disinfectant:
- Lift cars, escalators and staircases, particularly buttons and handrails.
- Surfaces with high human contact, such as counters, tabletops, door knobs/handles and public phones
- General premises, paying more attention to places of higher human traffic such as the entrance, lobby area, information counter, common corridors.'

I do not see any of these steps being taken, even in areas like KLCC and KL Sentral.


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