Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hell Hath No Fury........

(NSTP picture) a nenek scorned.

The body language tells everything, indicating that animosity is very intense in Wanita Umno. The internal struggle will likely leave the wing divided after 25 March 2009.

One of them will meet her Waterloo in two weeks time. And when we talk about 'Waterloo', we always refer to a person who has been in the conquering mood for quite a long time. As you know, Kak Ijat has been 'conquered' during the last political tsunami in Lembah Pantai.

It is very likely that the nenek will meet its Waterloo in two weeks time. With the intense fighting for various posts in Umno General Assembly later this month, the infighting in Umno will further escalate, and maybe it will be the start of 'Waterloo' for Umno itself.

Hopefully all the vanquished will not be sent to 'St Helena' after 25 March.

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